Seeing Our Way To The Future
21st century holistic solutions



Whole Brained Thinking

Posted 12/12/2012
by Yasha Husain

'Charting the Course'
is an education
that encourages
more whole brain
the reliance
which brings
thinkers, in a
closed, holistic
learning network.

The author of this
website has written
in her book, Holistic
Living: Tips for
, how
people along the
autism spectrum are
naturally more
while "neurotypical"
people, tend to, from a young age, become dominant
thinkers, with the exception that both
access interhemispheric, and graduated, thought.

The 'Charting the Course' education proposal
shares a vision for a school system that will help all character-types, including people who are dominant left-brained thinkers, who think more linearly, and who are dominant right-brained thinkers, who think more by association, in part by bringing them together into one classroom.

The proposal is also for a single, closed, holistic system, which interweaves the modern education system with holistic, closed systems of the world.

The full education
can right now
be viewed
using the

With questions
or comments,
please email:




Article - Opinion

Laws must be universally shared, guided and directed
By Yasha Husain
February 9, 2013

How Nelson Mandela might shape global diplomacy to prevent unlawful or unfair detentions, conflicts or wars, and in light of him having coped with loss that's “unnecessary,” might first involve envisioning people consistently working together toward a singular goal, peace, in accordance with the universals, whilst people acknowledge what he must know, that there are no barriers to such wisdom, in particular at the roots of law, natural and international law. Universals, laws that by their own right must be universally shared and universally guided and directed, deliver on the promise of law, bringing justice to losses incurred. Justice envisioned in this way forestalls all future injustice of a similar nature that can lead to unlawful or unfair detention, conflict or war.

“Unnecessary” or “premature” loss becomes what it should be, unnecessary, not only unnecessary, but unconscionable, and no longer a part of the collective conscious.

This requires the "evolvement," or self-realization, of individuals and in turn nations, or nations and then individuals, through which democracy operates, in attunement, that is, by way of a government by and for the people, with future progress not regress.

Importantly, the universal wisdom that achieves this insight must continuously be shared along the way of forward-moving motion.

Natural law, as the foundation for law that it is, would have determined Mandela was an innocent man and belonged not in jail but free, not only in spirit, but in the physical world, and that's because natural law is based on the observance of truth and the justice that pursues it.

Natural and international law requires legal professionals observe truth and thereafter impart their “discoveries.” This, I would argue, is slightly askance from the practice of “judging,” which is what we usually coin the way of the law. This notion stems from the simple rule that when we judge instead of observe we close our hearts to the whole truth. Alternatively, when we don't judge but observe we keep an open heart while seeing and drawing our wisdom from whole truths. In the instance we judge, it is as if a flap or door covers our heart from absorbing the whole, but not so when we 'observe' and from there go on to understand the whole.

The law, though not an explanation of its roots, is in the opening sentences of the Declaration of Independence, establishing the basis for law for the nation is natural law.

What else describes natural law as dependent on the act of observing truth versus judging it, and why should it be so?

In my book, The Modern Roots of Holism, the basis for this conversation unfolds. The book talks about the achievements of Jan Smuts and Henry Sumner Maine, Walt Whitman and Mohandas Gandhi, and how they all separately but congruently spoke of the idea of the whole and its infinitesimal nature.

In The Modern Roots of Holism, I wrote:

Accepting for the inner creative force Smuts believed is contained in all that develops, he extended his reach to say, in Holism and Evolution, the roads of science and philosophy "must be made to converge. The pathway of the real is neither abstract, general principles nor the wilderness of details. If we wish to understand evolution we must develop concepts adequate to its actual process, concepts which will be representative of its real characters of concreteness and universality."

Smuts, in Holism and Evolution, described the system of wholes as follows:

(the next paragraph should be indented as a quote)

The concept of holism as the whole is as nearly as possible a replica of Nature's observed process. And its application will prevent us from appearing to run the stuff of reality into a mould alien to Nature. It will, therefore, enable us to explain nature from herself, so to say, and by her own standards. In this way justice can be done to the concrete character of natural phenomena.

On other words, it's by way of looking at the whole of any situation, and its nature, that we understand truth. Once truth is understood a judge can impart a discovery, or finding. But there is no place for what we so typically term judgment, if it is really an act of volition that closes the heart to its own true nature.

It's my impression that this is at the center of natural law discourse, this wisdom that has come down to us for thousands of years: that truth starts with observation, moves to understanding, and then requires empathy and forgiveness, even in cases where a person is found guilty for crimes. Criminals should first be understood, even if it is required they do time, and then in humane environments.

But Mandela was not a criminal and still law was applied that betrayed natural law or the whole truth, obscuring justice. This abhorrent use of law can be defended against universally by way of universal law. How ironic that we have this universal law, natural and international law, at our disposal and don't always, around the globe, use it for the creation and maintenance of peace, and as the basis for civil, constitutional and international law cases.

Not only should the knowledge we obtain from natural law filter through the corridors of law itself, and prolifically, but it should inform our cultural norms, too. Natural law breeds nonviolence. When we in general observe and not judge we are a more peaceful people and more able to live by way of the truth. Arguably, we can observe, for instance, that violent video games are not a means to achieve peace, and by this observation we can change the nature of the “sport” and universally.

This is the potential of the wisdom of natural law for peace activists and politicians like Mandela and for the population more generally. All we need to do is ensure universal laws are universally shared and guided and directed.






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